Chapter 9 - Multiple and Logistic Regression

Learning Outcomes

  • Define the multiple linear regression model as $$\hat{y} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \beta_k x_k$$ where there are \(k\) predictors (explanatory variables).
  • Interpret the estimate for the intercept (\(b_0\)) as the expected value of \(y\) when all predictors are equal to 0, on average.
  • Interpret the estimate for a slope (say \(b_1\)) as “All else held constant, for each unit increase in \(x_1\), we would expect \(y\) to increase/decrease on average by \(b_1\).”
  • Define collinearity as a high correlation between two independent variables such that the two variables contribute redundant information to the model – which is something we want to avoid in multiple linear regression.
  • Note that \(R^2\) will increase with each explanatory variable added to the model, regardless of whether or not the added variables is a meaningful predictor of the response variable. Therefore we use adjusted \(R^2\), which applies a penalty for the number of predictors included in the model, to better assess the strength of a multiple linear regression model: $$R^2 = 1 - \frac{Var(e_i) / (n - k - 1)}{Var(y_i) / (n - 1)}$$ where $Var(e_i)$ measures the variability of residuals ($SS_{Err}$), $Var(y_i)$ measures the total variability in observed \(y\) ($SS_{Tot}$), \(n\) is the number of cases and \(k\) is the number of predictors.
    • Note that adjusted \(R^2\) will only increase if the added variable has a meaningful contribution to the amount of explained variability in \(y\), i.e. if the gains from adding the variable exceeds the penalty.
  • Define model selection as identifying the best model for predicting a given response variable.
  • Note that we usually prefer simpler (parsimonious) models over more complicated ones.
  • Define the full model as the model with all explanatory variables included as predictors.
  • Note that the p-values associated with each predictor are conditional on other variables being included in the model, so they can be used to assess if a given predictor is significant, given that all others are in the model.
    • These p-values are calculated based on a \(t\) distribution with \(n - k - 1\) degrees of freedom.
    • The same degrees of freedom can be used to construct a confidence interval for the slope parameter of each predictor: $$b_i \pm t^\star_{n - k - 1} SE_{b_i}$$
  • Stepwise model selection (backward or forward) can be done based based on adjusted \(R^2\) (choose the model with higher adjusted \(R^2\)).
  • The general idea behind backward-selection is to start with the full model and eliminate one variable at a time until the ideal model is reached.
    1. Start with the full model.
    2. Refit all possible models omitting one variable at a time, and choose the model with the highest adjusted \(R^2\).
    3. Repeat until maximum possible adjusted \(R^2\) is reached.
  • The general idea behind forward-selection is to start with only one variable and adding one variable at a time until the ideal model is reached.
    1. Try all possible simple linear regression models predicting \(y\) using one explanatory variable at a time. Choose the model with the highest adjusted \(R^2\).
    2. Try all possible models adding one more explanatory variable at a time, and choose the model with the highest adjusted \(R^2\).
    3. Repeat until maximum possible adjusted \(R^2\) is reached.
  • Adjusted \(R^2\) method is more computationally intensive, but it is more reliable, since it doesn’t depend on an arbitrary significant level.
  • List the conditions for multiple linear regression as
    1. linear relationship between each (numerical) explanatory variable and the response - checked using scatterplots of \(y\) vs. each \(x\), and residuals plots of \(residuals\) vs. each \(x\)
    2. nearly normal residuals with mean 0 - checked using a normal probability plot and histogram of residuals
    3. constant variability of residuals - checked using residuals plots of \(residuals\) vs. \(\hat{y}\), and \(residuals\) vs. each \(x\)
    4. independence of residuals (and hence observations) - checked using a scatterplot of \(residuals\) vs. order of data collection (will reveal non-independence if data have time series structure)
  • Note that no model is perfect, but even imperfect models can be useful.

Supplemental Readings
